It's been a long while since we have updated here. A lot has developed this week, and the week is not over! We believe justice is coming very soon, but has not happened quite yet.
We have moved forward with our dream of making a non profit in memory of Sylar, and we have almost reached that goal. Monday we were approved by the state and are officially a non profit corporation. Tuesday we got a mailing address. Wednesday we got our EIN number.
The last step is becoming tax exempt. That involves filling out the IRS form 1023. Thursday Andrea and Anna are meeting to put the final touches on that, before we send it to our attorney to look it over then file.
The one part we are waiting on, is to fill out info about the Board of Directors. That is because they have not been appointed yet, we are doing that on Friday!
Tuesday we also started our first project for helping a child abuse survivor. 4 month old Johnnel Marks was allegedly critically beaten by his father, while his mother was working. We are now collecting letters and gift cards for him and his mom.
If you would like to participate in our first benefit project, you can mail us.
Sylar Newton Foundation
P.O. Box 1155
Molalla, Or 97038
We will update more often from here out. Stay tuned!